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Dental implants are one of the most in-demand solutions for people who are suffering from tooth loss. Are may be planning on availing the procedure, or perhaps you are already scheduled to undergo it soon? It is possible that you are feeling quite uneasy or even scared, but it actually doesn’t have to be this way. To feel more confident during your appointment and to finally make the decision of undergoing the restoration, we at Dixwell Dental prepared a list of the things to expect when it comes to a dental implant procedure!

How long will it take?

In determining the length of treatment, there are some factors to consider, including the teeth to be replaced, the number of structures involved, your dental health condition, and if extraction is necessary before the placement of implants. Everyone should know that a dental implant procedure involves two phases and can take six to nine months to carry out. This may take longer if the patient first needs to heal from tooth extraction or bone graft before installing the implant posts.

The same factors above are also used to know how many visits are required throughout the treatment. For example, performing a single tooth implant takes an hour or so to complete, including the time for anesthesia and dressing for a sterile surgical environment.

Is it painful?

Just like any other type of surgical procedure, the placement of dental implants can cause some discomfort. To help you have a more comfortable experience, the dentist will prescribe medications to help ease any forms of discomfort throughout the whole encounter.

Preparation before surgery

Some of the possible pre-operative instructions the dentist may give are:

Day of the surgery

First phase:

Second phase:

Hopefully, with the help of these pieces of information, you will feel more at ease in making a decision or during the placement of your Dental Implants in Hamden, CT! For more inquiries or concerns, feel free to call or visit us at Dixwell Dental.

Most people are more worried about the aesthetics of their smile. However, aside from wanting a dazzling and beautiful smile, you should also be concerned about the condition of both your teeth and gums. Establishing good oral hygiene is one of the basic preventive measures in keeping your mouth fresh and healthy. But, in order to fully ensure that both teeth and gums are protected against the threat of any oral issues and diseases. 

We understand that visiting your dentist for a dental checkup is not something you look forward to, but it is one of the most important dates to keep. If you keep on skipping your scheduled dental appointment, you must make sure to consider all the considerable risks entailed to it. If you find yourself wondering what the point of attending your scheduled dental checkups is, we’ve got something for you to think about. 

Here are some of the most important reasons why regular dental checkups are crucial in maintaining your oral health in tip-top shape:

Prevent plaque, tartar, and cavities from building up in the mouth

No matter how frequent and diligent you brush your teeth, there can still be cases wherein some areas of the mouth are missed by regular brushing and flossing. These areas can be perfect hiding spots for plaque and bacteria to accumulate. Over time, these plaques can turn into tartar, wherein it becomes more challenging to get rid of without professional help. However, regular dental cleaning, which is usually included in regular checkups, can help get rid of these tartars, preventing them from becoming eroded or developing cavities. 

Prevent gum disease from developing

The building up of plaque and tartar will not only lead to tooth decay, but it can also damage the mouth’s gum tissues. This condition occurs when tartar buildup causes an infection where the gum is connected to the tooth, making the gums pull away from the tooth. This infection is known as gingivitis, and as it advances, the tissue that attaches gums to the teeth breaks down, which can lead to loosening or falling out of the teeth. In order to avoid these things from happening, regular dental checkups and cleanings are essential in catching and addressing problems with gum disease as early as possible.

Early detection of oral cancer

Oral cancer is an extremely serious disease that can manifest in various ways. Without knowledge of the early signs and symptoms it presents, oral cancer is often not diagnosed and can quickly progress, putting your life at considerable risk. Thankfully, oral cancer can be diagnosed and be treated during its early stages. Attending your scheduled dental checkups allows you to have a chance for life since our dentists are highly trained in recognizing oral cancer in its early stages, which is a critical key in treating it successfully.

Diagnose underlying problems

An essential part of your regular dental checkup is getting your mouth x-rayed. An x-ray image allows us to see what is happening underneath the surfaces of your mouth and diagnose issues that are not visible to the naked eye and are showing little to no symptoms at all.

You deserve outstanding dental care services. We provide Regular Checkups in Hamden, CT. Book your appointment with us at Dixwell Dental and let us help you achieve beautiful and healthy teeth!

The smile greatly contributes to a person’s overall appearance and is often the first thing that others would often notice about you; this is the reason why many people avail of different over-the-counter products to ensure the look of their smile. However, these certain over-the-counter products are not guaranteed safe and may not be effective at all. Fortunately, we offer cosmetic dentistry at Dixwell Dental that allows you to have that perfect smile you have been dreaming of and confidently show it off to the crowd.

Cosmetic dentistry refers to any dental treatment that improves the appearance of one’s teeth, gums, or bites. The procedures under cosmetic dentistry mainly focus on the improvement in dental aesthetics like color, shape, size, alignment, and overall appearance of the smile. Some correct minor issues while others give the smile a complete makeover. Although many of these treatments don’t address functional issues of the teeth, they can still have a significant impact on an individual’s life.

Know more about the benefits that cosmetic dentistry offers by reading below:

Corrects aesthetic problems

Aesthetic dental problems often include teeth that are stained, misshapen, misaligned, irregularly-shaped, have gaps between them, and more. However, with the help of cosmetic dentistry, these common dental imperfections can be corrected, making the person free from embarrassment and inconvenience.

Helps boost one’s confidence

Having an unsightly smile can affect a person’s life in many ways, causing them to be embarrassed or self-conscious when faced with other people. Luckily, cosmetic dentistry can help you get through with this dilemma by providing the smile you’re proud to share with everyone. People who have no issues with their smile and overall appearance are more likely to be successful at work and in their personal life.

Will help you look a lot younger

As people get older, they typically experience teeth staining and erosion. With cosmetic dentistry, these issues can be corrected as it reverses the effects of aging, making a person look more youthful and attractive.

Aids in preventing further tooth damage

Cosmetic dentistry does not only provide people with an aesthetically pleasing smile, but it also offers restorative benefits. An example is the use of dental veneers in restoring a cracked, chipped, or otherwise a broken tooth.

Here at Dixwell Dental, we offer Teeth Whitening and Dental Veneers under our Cosmetic Dentistry services to help you achieve a glowing and aesthetically beautiful smile.

Improve the appearance and form of your teeth! Book your appointment with us at Dixwell Dental and avail of our Cosmetic Dentistry in Hamden, CT. We are located at 2560 Dixwell Avenue, 1C, Hamden, CT 06514.

Root canal, also known as endodontic therapy, is a treatment option for patients suffering from tooth decay, severe toothache, as well as a sensitive tooth. It involves the treatment of exposed and severed tooth nerves. Additionally, the treatment also removes bacteria from an infected pulp. Contrary to what most people think, root canal treatment is virtually painless. It has even been reported to cause less discomfort during recovery compared to having your tooth extracted.

If your dentist has suggested this treatment for you, knowing about its benefits will encourage you to undergo the procedure. For that reason, Dixwell Dental has compiled some of the advantages it offers. Read on to know what these are!

Prevents infection from spreading to other teeth

The cause of a toothache or cavity is an infection on the tooth. When you undergo root canal therapy, the bacteria that causes the infection will be removed. Once this is done, the tooth will be cleaned and disinfected. In turn, this will stop the cause of pain and discomfort, leaving no room for the bacteria to spread.

Aims to save your teeth

Did you know that root canal therapy is a dental option that helps keep your tooth? So when you undergo this treatment, you will not have to worry about losing a tooth or having a gap in the jaw. After the procedure, your tooth remains intact and will function like the rest of your teeth.

Prevents jawbone degeneration

As mentioned above, one of the many benefits of a root canal treatment is that it saves your tooth. If your teeth preserved, your jawbone remains healthy. Since the teeth serve as a stimulant for the jaw, a missing tooth can cause one’s jawbone to degenerate over time. 

Improves your oral and overall health

If you have severe tooth decay, it will significantly affect your oral health. In turn, poor oral health will increase your risk of health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, dementia, and other health conditions. Thus, suffering from an infected tooth can significantly threaten your well-being. When you treat tooth decay, it can help improve your oral health and boost your overall health along with it.

End the tooth pain caused by an infected pulp by availing of our Root Canal Treatment in Hamden, CT. Schedule an appointment with us at Dixwell Dental to experience a safe and comfortable treatment. We are located at 2560 Dixwell Avenue, 1C, Hamden, CT 06514. Call us if you have any questions!

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